Monday, January 19, 2009

Website Launch!

Hello World!

We've finally stopped riding bikes and building lights for long enough to patch our website together! Check it out! We're still working on some of the pages, but there's info on our premier product, the Tarsier Occam, which is now available to the general public!

WTF? Tarsier Occam?
... What the heck kind of name is that?'s the scoop.

Tarsiers are strange little primates from Southeast Asia that have huge eyes, incredible night vision and leap from tree to tree snatching insects to eat from the midnight sky. Needless to say we were looking for a good name for our new bike lighting company and these guys kinda kept popping up.

Occam represents the legendary "Occam's Razor" principle, a vital component or our design philosophy. Paraphrased, Occam's Razor states that the simplest solution is usually the best. As we experimented with ways to build dynamo powered bike lights we found ourselves slowly moving away from complex designs towards smaller, lighter, simpler and more versatile solutions that had fewer components and greater reliability.

There you have it, silly name explained. Here's what you really want to know about our light:

The Occam represents a new generation of solid state lighting that can be driven with either a dynamo or batteries. From a dynamo hub the Occam puts out roughly 275 lumens of brilliant white light while drawing the same 3W load as traditional dynamo lights. Our custom reflector focuses the light from a CREE MC-E multi-die LED through an anti-reflection coated glass lens to make sure that as much light as possible makes it out of the front of the light.

Whether you're commuting, touring, mountain biking or endurance racing, the Tarsier Occam provides a versatile option for the serious night cyclist.